DuctWork Remedial Services

DuctWork Remedial Services

Welcome to Ductwork Remedial Services,

whether it’s an extract fan that needs removing, inaccessible ductwork accessing or maybe a ceiling hatch instalment, here at Ductwork Remedial Services our team are fully trained and certified engineers that will be able to provide the services you require, and more.

Widely recognised as the leading provider of support services to the leading kitchen, extract, ventilation, deep cleaning companies and their clients across the UK.

Although cleaning companies do a fantastic job, they often come across sections of ductwork and components which are inaccessible or obstructed and unfortunately do not possess the knowledge or necessary training to be able to undertake the remedial work, preventing them to complete the services necessary. This is where we come in, allowing access to the ductwork in order to complete the job.

Over the past 12 years we have had the privilege of working closely with the leading cleaning companies and their clients while gaining an understanding of their needs and together ensuring their post ventilation reports and systems meet the TR19 specified level of cleanliness and insurance requirements. On top of this, we are open to private companies who have not received a referral where we will happily fix any problem you may face when requesting ductwork services. If you would like to book one of our services or speak with one of our friendly staff members then please do not hesitate to contact us or alternatively if you have been referred you can book any of our services directly through your cleaning company.

Our Services

  • Fan Removals

  • Repairs / Maintenance

  • Hatches

  • Confined Spaces

  • Suspended ceilings

  • Redirecting Other Services

More About Us.

  • As a company our team has over 15 years of experience in the industry. As company, we pride ourselves on our professionalism and our results.

  • We offer a high range of services, please press the button below to see everything that we offer.

    For any other requests, feel free to get in touch.